Commission the Safe and Meaningful Contact Guidelines training for your organisation.
CourseBecome a licensed user of the Safe and Meaningful Contact Guidelines. £1750 for up to 16 participants. 10% discount off any additional training commissioned by the same organisation.
The Safe and Meaningful Contact Guidelines Online Anytime Training: Trauma informed decision making about contact arrangements for looked after children.
CourseThis online anytime course allows participants to become a licensed user of the Safe and Meaningful Contact (SaMC) Guidelines.
Placing the child at the centre of parenting capacity assessment: psychological considerations for legal decision makers.
CourseThis course describes how traumatised children are harmed by abusive parents, psychological consequences of such harm and what information about the parent-child relationship is required to make trauma responsive decisions about the child’s care.
Recording of webinar: Trauma Informed Legal Decision-Making for Post-Permanence Contact.
CourseRecording of Webinar: Trauma-Informed Decision-Making for Post-Permanence Contact. Psychological considerations for legal decision making
Safe and Meaningful Contact Guidelines Community
CommunityCommunity Membership benefits: - Forums to discuss your experience using the SaMC Guidelines - Use of the online SaMC App - Access to case example videos